Goal Setting For Health

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Goal Setting For Health

Are you having trouble with your 2017 health and wellness goals? Start off by knowing exactly what you want to accomplish. Goals should be specific. Make it obvious exactly what you plan to do. Goals should be realistic. Realistic means achievable. You must challenge yourself. Make yourself work for it. It's very important that you set long- and short-term goals. Short-term goals should ultimately lead you to your long-term goal. Write your goals down in black and white. Remind yourself where you’re headed by posting your goals on your refrigerator or mirror. Develop goal-achievement strategies that will aid in the achievement of your goals. Use tools to aid your progress. Please consider your unique personality. Tailor your action plan to your needs, ability level and interests. Be committed. Persevere and have courage through good times and bad. Gather support from like minded people. Surround yourself with enthusiastic, supportive people. Evaluate your progress by having measurable goals. Constant evaluation keeps setbacks in perspective. The unexpected is to be expected -- and adjustments made in response. And finally, see it through!